Inspiration Hits!
How many of us really seize the moment when inspiration hits? Personally, I’m hit with so many ideas at so many different times that it’s difficult to keep up.

Keep It Spicy!
Since the publication of Recipe for Love, I’ve been telling readers to ‘keep it spicy’ in their relationships. Of course, that phrase can mean different things to different people. When it comes to spice, there are varying degrees of heat. Some like it hot and some prefer it mild.

What’s Your Process?
That’s a question I get asked quite a bit. It’s funny, because each book has been different. I may sit down with just a basic idea of what I want to write and let the story develop organically or I may map out each chapter with a very detailed flow of the story. With Recipe for Love, I wrote primarily during the day.

Hot Fun in the Summertime
As the long holiday weekend begins to wind down, all I can say is WHEW! It’s been a hot, fun-filled ride with family and friends—and it’s not over yet. I have to admit fall is my favorite time of year, but I can appreciate the 90 degree temperatures and all of the sultry pleasures that come along with it, especially barbeques

Number Three and Counting
You Might Just Get Burned… I can’t believe I’m sharing my third book with my readers.I remember back when I was in college and I took an African American theater class. A portion of my grade involved performing, along with my classmates, an entire act in a play.

The Seasons of Love
It’s funny how people equate love and romance with the seasons. The time of year seems to evoke certain stirrings from deep within. In the summer, we’re looking for passion, something hot and steamy.

Hello, Meet My Representative
My third novel asks the question: what happens when the man you fall for isn’t who he says he is? You Might Just Get Burned takes the premise of meeting someone’s “representative” to the next level.

Feel The Chill
It’s getting a bit chilly in NYC. As the weather begins to shift, I start to think about creating. New books. New recipes. New opportunities. But let’s focus on the recipes for now. With fall right around the corner, I get in the mood to create new dishes.